Carica Papaya
Salutary effects of carica papaya leaf extract in dengue fever patients– a pilot study..
Salutary effects of carica papaya leaf extract in dengue fever patients– a pilot study.
Thrombocytosis and anti-inflammatory properties, and toxicological evaluation of carica papaya mature leaf concentrate in a murine model..
A study of haemato-stimulatory effects of graded dose of aqueous carica papaya seed extract in wistar rats..
Dengue fever treatment with carica papaya leaves extracts..
Carica papaya leaves juice significantly accelerates the rate of increase in platelet count among patients with dengue fever and dengue haemorrhagic fever..
The effect of carica papaya l. Leaves extract capsules on platelets count and hematocrit level in dengue fever patient..
Evaluation of platelet augmentation activity of carica papaya leaf aqueous extract in rats..